microIDE is a integrated Editor for the ESP32.
For some examples, visit the learning page
Official MicroIDE boards can be found here
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Legal Stuff:
This software is free for Personal (non-Commertial) use.
It may not be distributed without writen permission.
It may be modified for private use.
© Ronny Neufeld 2020
Rescue: Triggers a Hardware Reset
Info: Opens the information page
Terminal: Opens the Terminal Monitor - os.dupterm(0)
New: Creates a new file in the editor
Open: Opens the file in the web browser
Edit: Edit the file in microIDE
Delete: Delete the on the disk
Save: Saves the file to disk (CTRL + S)
Reload: Load file from disk (CTRL + R)
Run: Run the .py file on Disk (CTRL + U)